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The Path We Travel to Health

Life can be so much harder when you are suffering from pain, illness, disease, depression or anxiety.

You may have already made changes in your life to promote health and wellbeing, but still you are seeking a better quality of health.

Great news!

The answer is within you and this is what I will help you discover.

Lavender in Nature

Who Am I

Welcome to The Bridge Healing, my name is Tomai and I am a healer who is passionate in bringing lasting changes to my clients.

I am a Spinal Flow practitioner, Intuitive Healer and trained in Spinal Shake (comparable to TRE – tension/stress/trauma release exercise). I use all the tools available to me to help people heal and take back control of their own health and well-being.

what I do

Spinal Flow

Spinal Flow Technique is an incredibly powerful healing technique based in science and the world of energy which is artful delivered using gentle touch. It activates the body’s innate healing ability to heal itself by releasing the three main life stressors – emotional, physical and chemical stress. Your body will move from a sympathetic (fight, flight, freeze) to a parasympathetic (rest & digest) state.

Access Bars

Access bars is a very gentle touch therapy accessing 32 points on the head that can bring profound and lasting change to your life.

Energy Healing/Clearing

From a very young age I’ve had an intuitive healing ability and have learned to develop that natural talent to better assist people on their healing journey.

I offer services to clear and energise your home or place of business.

Access Bars

Access bars is a very gentle touch therapy accessing 32 points on the head that can bring profound and lasting change to your life. By accessing these points it gives you the opportunity to delete all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions and considerations you have taken on and identified with in your life time.

Benefits of Access Bars:

  • Bring Ease, joy, freedom and a new experience of life
  • Change the thoughts, feelings and experience related to your experience in your body
  • Bring your body out of survival mode and increase health and wellbeing
  • Change the experience of your relationships with others
  • Have the opportunity to slow done and reconnect with the true version of yourself

What does the experience feel like?

The experience is a 1 hour session full of ease and relaxation.

Access Bars feels like having issues that were very prevenient and debilitating seemingly suddenly being erased, and not being aware of the change until well after you’ve done the very thing that you previously found debilitating.

It’s time to change your world to the one that you truly want to experience.

Are you ready to make that change contact me on for your first Access Bars experience.

Spinal Flow Technique

Spinal Flow Technique is an incredibly powerful yet gentle healing technique. Spinal Flow activates the body’s innate healing ability to heal itself by releasing the three main life stressors – emotional, physical and chemical stress.

From the moment we are conceived in the womb our bodies are impacted by these life stresses. We are impacted emotionally to varying degrees whether it be small hurts to life altering traumas. Chemically we are affected by the foods we eat, medication, products on our skin or exposure to chemicals in our environment. Physically we are affected by minor falls, bumps and scraps to extreme accidents, or our lifestyles requiring us to sit for long periods or challenging it in an active job or hobby. Our bodies store those stresses so that we can carry on. If we don’t discharge these life stresses they compound and build up resulting in blocks in the nervous system leading to ailments, disease and pain.

Spinal Flow Technique guides the body to naturally release those stored stresses from the body, allowing it to move from a sympathetic (fight, flight, freeze) to a parasympathetic (rest & digest) state.

Spinal Shake is another technique I use in conjunction with Spinal Flow, in my “Deep Dive” sessions. It’s an extremely powerful and effective way to release stress, especially trauma. I access the power of the body to help heal resulting in lasting and profound changes in our health and wellbeing.

Dr Carli Axford is the creator and founder of the Spinal Flow Healing Technique. Spinal Flow Technique is an incredibly fast and effective way to heal the body. Attention is brought to what is working in the nervous system opposed to what is wrong in the body. We simply switch on the body’s innate healing ability allowing the body to release the blocks in the nervous system. This enables better connection between the brain and the body resulting in health, relief from pain, and brings ease back into your life.

I have worked with Dr Carli Axford (Creator & Founder of Spinal Flow Technique) for a few years when she ran retreats in Melbourne and Queensland, as one of her head healers and a teacher to students of the Spinal Flow Technique.

Spinal Flow Services

Initial Consultation

An initial consultation is essential when working with me. It allows me to get to know you, the issues you are facing and to conduct a health assessment.

I offer two initial consulation approaches for your healing path. The "Deep Dive" and the "Gentle Approach"

Deep Dive

For those of you who are ready to dive deep into their healing process and are ready for rapid transformation then this is best option for you.


2 Hours


In this session we will dive deep into what you are dealing with in your health & your life.

  • Spinal Flow assessment
  • Spinal Flow treatment
  • Energy clearing
  • Spinal Shake treatment (comparable to TRE)
  • Debrief of session


  • Assessment - Have a better understanding of where the blocks are in your body & life
  • Switch the body from holding pattern to a healing state
  • Release of life stresses (chemical, emotional & physical)
  • Powerful in releasing trauma
  • Strengthen connection to your body & true self, become centred
  • Energy cleared and renewed
  • Coaching on your next steps
  • Tools to take home & continue to heal yourself

SPinal Flow Services Continued

Gentle Approach

If you are not ready to dive deeply into your healing process and need a more gentle approach, then this is the best option for you.




1 Hour

In this approach we will gently ease you and your body into healing

  • Spinal Flow assessment
  • Spinal Flow treatment
  • Energy clearing:
  • Debrief

  • Gentle approach
  • Assessment - Have a better understanding of where the blocks are in your body & life
  • Switching the body from a holding pattern to a healing state
  • Release of life stresses (chemical, emotional & physical)
  • Strengthen connection to your body & true self, become centred
  • Energy cleared and renewed
  • Coaching on your next steps
  • Tools to take home & continue to heal yourself

What clients have said


Tomai, is an exceptional healer, caring and knowledgeable. I have been seeing Tomai regularly for 11 months and she has been able to shed the layers of trauma from my body and give me guidance on the healing journey.


Tomai was able to access trauma buried so deeply, it was causing me immense physical pain and I had no idea how to access it. The healing is so profound and yet gentle, which I’ve never experienced before. I can’t possibly recommend Tomai enough. I felt so safe and supported throughout my experience ?

David of Frankly Sharmanic

“I have been seeing Tomai regularly for treatment for my back problems. As well as utilising Spinal Flow healing Tomai is very intuitive and so has been able to give me advice on related issues.

I must say that I have been most impressed with Tomai’s ability and have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone interested in healing with this method.”


“When I first experienced Tomai’s healing sessions earlier this year, I had some quite unexpected positive results from her amazing spinal flow healing therapy.Tomai is a special gifted, soulful, kind person and the world is a better place having her in it. I wish her the utmost in her journey in healing.”


Tomai is such a beautiful woman a gifted healer, I have no words to describe my experience with Spinal Flow, it’s a combination of emotional relief, so powerful. I felt as though something inside me shifted and continues to shift with each session. Truly amazing ???

Pink Peonies in Flower Garden


Tomai is truly amazing healer, after having my healing session with her I have been feeling more grounded and centred and much less anxious. What a beautiful experience. Thank you Tomai, I will definitely continue my sessions.


“Tomai is a special person and healer. Her approach to the well-being of others is complete.

I have been to see Tomai as a practitioner, she is caring, kind, and an exceptionally gifted healer.

I would recommend the wonderful therapy that she offers in a caring, ambient environment.

Tomai, I wish you success in your chosen career you really are special . Thank you for the care you have given me.”

Continued...What clients have said


Tomai I can honestly thank you. The most difficult circumstances l Have endured which led me to discover the gift of Spinal Flow Healing with you. One of the most gentle and effective healing modalities I could ask for. I entered your clinic crippled with chronic back pain and chronic neuropathic pain as a result from spinal surgery.

Your assessment, education and assistance of healing the Spinal Flow Gateways and Spinal Shake has enabled the gentle release of what has been stored and that no longer serves me. You have provided my body the tools to heal from within. I am also grateful for additional guidance you give in terms of meditation, prayer, nutrition and insight. Your healing is a gift and your sincerity real. Thank you for assisting my soul to see what else is possible ?


I have only seen Tomai twice so far and can not wait for my third session. It was a week between the first two bookings. But WOW what a first week it was!!! I was so blown away. I came in asking for guidance with my stress, anxiety, and finances. I also wanted my super abundance back as I’ve had it before. THEN…the ever gifted and gentle Tomai gave me an amazing first session and sent me on my way.

In that single week, I experienced an overnight difference in my thoughts, my anxiety and my stress. I suddenly resigned my job under the best possible circumstances (hadn’t planned to!), was given about $6000 in bonuses, additionally booked an almost free flight to Europe, and may even be returning to a promotion instead!

All unexpected. I’ve been on cloud nine, and I feel I’m in great hands. Can’t stop recommending Tomai!”


I had a healing session with Tomai first time, and she is helping me going thru very hard time, dealing with ovaria cancer. Even just the first time, I am havimg big relieve from side effects after my 5th chemo, which I had 2 days after my healing session. Stiffness in my legs and tingling start going away that afternoon, not in the 2 weeks like usual and my walking improved a lot. Also, I did not need to take steriods to treat side effects. I am impressed what had happen so far. Thank you Tomai from the bottom of my heart for your magic ❤️


I have experienced two Deep Dive SFT sessions with Tomai starting in March then again in May 2021 & they both have been profound with deep releasing. I have been involved in giving and receiving energy healings for 20 yrs and in my personal experience SFT with Tomai has been some of the most powerful trauma releases I’ve ever experienced with deep gut wrenching sobbing, release, release, release! The tears would not stop flowing.

It has been approx 2.5 months since my second session which kicked my butt harder then the first one lol I’ve had to allow integration time and self care since then. My deceased mother was very present for the second session and I had childhood memories come flooding back to me which is amazing because I’ve always had great difficulty remembering my childhood due to trauma. Tomai held such a strong yet gentle & nurturing safe space for me to release this heavy dense energy out of my body, it was incredible.

Tomai is truly remarkable & gifted healing facilitator. I can not recommend her highly enough. Since my second session I have gone through physical, emotional, mental & spiritual upgrade in energy. I am now experiencing a glow & vitality that has eluded me for years now. People comment all the time of how I am glowing, sparkling & shinning and I physically look like a different person now. Over the last couple of months opportunities, creative flow, creative ideas & movement forward in life has been possible since my two sessions with Tomai. Previously, I was stuck, stagnate & deeply frustrated and unhappy with a constant feeling of walking through wet cement!

Please, if you are truly serious about releasing what does not serve your highest good anymore & you want to move forward in life do not hesitate to book in a session with Tomai.

Ferns in Nature



Highett VIC 3190

Email Address

Phone Number

0414 093 162

*Please do not contact me via Facebook profile as it has been hacked.